Upcoming Events

The EE HPC WG regularly holds Workshops, Showcases, Birds of Feather, Panels and Webinars.   This shows 2024 event plans and status.  For prior year events, go to Presentations.

Conferences, BOFs & Panels


The EE HPC WG will hold the 15th Annual EE HPC WG Workshop in 2024 as a virtual event on June 25th and 26th, 2024.  This event hosts invited speakers with a focus on HPC site experiences.  Register in advance for this meeting:  https://lbnl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcOCoqz8vHtOzBKiL5eU_D4Edhc8EumzV 

The Sustainable HPC State of the Practice Workshop will be on September 24, 2024 as part of Cluster2024.  This workshop solicits papers from independent authors that are presented and published as part of the proceedings. 



2025 Plans: